Ontology-Based Traceability System for Halal Status of Flavour: A Conceptual Framework


  • Siti Farhana Mohamad Hashim Faculty of Technology and Information Science National University of Malaysia
  • Juhana Salim Faculty of Technology and Information Science National University of Malaysia
  • Shahrul Azman Mohd Noah Mohd Noah Faculty of Technology and Information Science National University of Malaysia
  • Wan Aida Wan Mustapha Faculty of Science and Technology National University of Malaysia




Traceability, Ontology, Halal Status, Flavour, Halal Concept, Halal Certification


Recent market survey on halal products indicated an increase in the demand for halal products throughout the world. In Malaysia, JAKIM is the body responsible in matters relating to approve the halal certification. However, the process of issuing the halal certificate is time consuming. This study further identified the issues and contributing factors in the delay in approval for halal certification application by reviewing related works and conducted a preliminary interview with the JAKIM authorities. The reasons for the delay in issuing halal certification is the constraints in determining halal status of flavours due to the absence of halal certificate when auditors were processing the documentation for applying certification. In addition, the inconsistent use of terms among the food producers and the auditors makes it difficult to trace halal status of flavouring. However these factors are isolated. None of the studies have clearly depicted the interrelationship among factors and constructs. This paper therefore aims to theoretically integrate the factors and constructs as a conceptual framework. The conceptual framework shows the relationship of the concepts: halal certification process, halal concept, as well as reference sources and the concept of traceability using an ontology-based semantic web technology approach to trace the halal status of ingredients, especially in the chemical properties section consisting of various reference sources. The conceptual framework could then be used as a basis to design a framework for tracing flavouring information to accelerate the halal certification.


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How to Cite

Mohamad Hashim, S. F., Salim, J., Mohd Noah, S. A. M. N., & Wan Mustapha, W. A. (2023). Ontology-Based Traceability System for Halal Status of Flavour: A Conceptual Framework. Malaysian Journal of Information and Communication Technology (MyJICT), 8(2), 65-77. https://doi.org/10.53840/myjict8-2-97