Pembangunan Dan Penilaian Sistem E-Kesediaan Kerjaya
Development and Evaluation of E-Systems Career Readiness
Pembangunan, penilaian, kebolehgunaan, e-kesediaan kerjayaAbstract
Program kesediaan kerjaya yang dilaksanakan bertujuan untuk menyediakan pelajar dengan pelbagai aspek kemahiran yang diperlukan oleh pihak industri atau organisasi. Ianya menjadi pemangkin ke arah mempertingkatkan peratusan kebolehpasaran graduan bagi sesebuah institusi pendidikan. Program kesediaan kerjaya yang dirangka dengan baik dapat membantu pelajar dalam menentukan hala tuju kerjaya mereka setelah bergraduat. Kemahiran teknikal dan insaniah diterapkan melalui pelbagai aktiviti yang dijalankan bagi memastikan pelajar betul-betul bersedia sebelum memasuki alam pekerjaan. Aspek pengurusan program kesediaan kerjaya adalah penting supaya semua pelajar mendapat maklumat yang terkini berkaitan bidang pekerjaan dan keterlibatan pelajar haruslah menyeluruh. Unit CISEC (Corporate, Industrial Services and Employability Centre) di Politeknik Kuala Terengganu merupakan unit yang dipertanggungjawab untuk menyelaras semua aktiviti bagi program kesediaan kerjaya. Aktiviti-aktiviti program kesediaan kerjaya telah dijalankan dengan baik namum ketiadaan suatu sistem pengurusan yang berpusat dan teratur menyukarkan pelajar untuk menyertai program yang dianjurkan. Penambahbaikan terhadap aktiviti yang dijalankan perlu dilaksanakan bagi memastikan kesinambungannya memberi impak yang positif namum ianya tidak dapat dilaksanakan. Justeru itu, pembangunan sistem e-kesediaan kerjaya merupakan alternatif dalam memperkemaskan pengurusan program kesediaan kerjaya di Politeknik Kuala Terengganu. Dalam membangunkan sistem e-kesediaan kerjaya, Model Agile telah digunakan sebagai model rujukan dalam menghasilkan suatu sistem yang lengkap. Ianya dipilih kerana dapat memberi nilai kepada pengguna dengan pengurangan tempoh pembangunan. Sistem e-kesediaan kerjaya yang lengkap dinilai kebolehgunaannya bagi memastikan penambahbaikan dapat dilaksanakan. Instrumen kajian yang berbentuk borang soal selidik telah digunakan bagi menilai item-item yang dikaji. Sampel bagi kajian terdiri dari 100 orang pelajar dari Jabatan Teknologi Maklumat dan komunikasi dan Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik serta 10 orang pegawai di bawah Unit CISEC (Corporate, Industrial Services and Employability Centre) di Politeknik Kuala Terengganu. Analisis data dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan perisian Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) versi 28.0. Hasil kajian mendapati sistem e-kesediaan kerjaya yang dibangunkan menepati keperluan pelajar dan pegawai yang terlibat.
The career readiness program implemented aims to provide students with various aspects of skills required by the industry or organization. It becomes a catalyst for increasing the percentage of graduates' marketability for an educational institution. A well-designed career readiness program can help students determine their career direction after graduation. Technical and soft skills are applied through various activities to ensure that students are fully prepared before entering the world of work. The management aspect of the career readiness program is important so that all students get the latest information related to their field of work and student involvement should be comprehensive. The CISEC unit (Corporate, Industrial Services and Employability Center) at Polytechnic Kuala Terengganu is the unit responsible for coordinating all activities for the career readiness program. The activities of the career readiness program have been carried out well, but the absence of a centralized and organized management system makes it difficult for students to participate in the organized program. Improvements to the activities carried out need to be implemented to ensure that continuity has a positive impact, but they cannot be implemented. Therefore, the development of an e-career readiness system is an alternative in streamlining the management of the career readiness program at Kuala Terengganu Polytechnic. In developing a career e-readiness system, the Agile Model has been used as a reference model for producing a complete system. It was chosen because it can provide value to the user by reducing the development period. A complete career e-readiness system is evaluated for usability to ensure improvements can be implemented. A research instrument in the form of a questionnaire was used to evaluate the items studied. The sample for the study consisted of 100 students from the Department of Information and Communication Technology and the Department of Electrical Engineering, as well as 10 officers under the CISEC Unit (Corporate, Industrial Services and Employability Center) at Kuala Terengganu Polytechnic. Data analysis was carried out using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software version 28.0. The results of the study found that the e-career readiness system developed meets the needs of the students and officers involved.
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