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About the Journal

Malaysian Journal of Information and Communication Technology (MyJICT) is an open-access, double-blind peer-reviewed international scholarly journal published by the Faculty of Multimedia  Creative and Computing, UIS, Malaysia. The emphasis of this journal is on both qualitative and quantitative works and papers that are relevant to current Information and Communication Technology (ICT) research.

This journal contains various articles on research and scientific activities that cover various disciplines using the mediums of English and Malay. We would like to invite all the researchers, academicians, and ICT professionals throughout Malaysia to contribute to this journal.

Publication Frequency

Malaysian Journal of Information and Communication Technology (MyJICT) is published 2 times a year  (June and November).

Current Issue

Ready To Publish

These articles have undergone peer review and have been accepted for publication in MyJICT. However, they are currently pending final revisions and are not yet published. Therefore, their final order of publication may differ from the current order, and they may not appear here until they are assigned to specific issues. The content of the articles meets the journal’s content standards, but they are still undergoing final edits, including typesetting and proofreading. Please note that titles, authors, abstracts, and keywords may be updated before the official publication.

Published: 08-01-2025
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